

1) Civilization: a society that is well organized and developed, used especially about a particular society in a particular place or at a particular time.

2) Caravan: a group of people with animals or vehicles who travel together for safety, especially through a desert.

3) Tribe: Social groups consisting of people of the same race who have the same beliefs, customs, and language etc, and usually live in one particular area ruled by their leader.

4) Capture: catch

5) Commodity: a substance or product that can be traded, bought or sold.

6) Forge: move

7) Alliance: a group of countries, political parties or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims

8) Nomad: a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time

9) Prominent: famous

10) Middleman: a person who buys goods from a producer and makes a profit by selling them to a shop or a user

11) Lucrative: (especially of a business, job or activity) producing a lot of money

12) Expose: uncover, make public

13) Decline: go down

14) Precious: valuable

15) Maintain: continue to have

Difinitions are taken from on-line Camgridge Dictionary. Link:  On-line Dictionary


Find the corresponding word for each definition from the given vocabularies below, type the word in the box next to the definition, and check your answer.

alliance    nomad    prominent    lucrative    forge    capture    tribe    caravan

1. a group of people with animals or vehicles who travel together for safty, especially through a desert    

2. a group of countries, political parties or people who have agreed to work together because ofshared intersts or aims

3.  move


4.  a member of a group of people who move one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time


5. famous


6. catch


7. social groups consisting ofpeople of the same race who have the same beliefs, customs, and language etc, and usually live in one purticular area ruled by their leader


8. (especially of a business, job or activity) producing a lot of money


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